Our Experienced Rock Hill Burn Injury Lawyers Explain Your Legal Options
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.1 million people receive some form of medical attention for a burn injury every single year. Some of these burns are minor and require minimal medical treatment to recover. However, a large number of these burn injuries are severe and life-threatening.
In 2016, over 40,000 burn injuries were severe enough to warrant hospitalization. Furthermore, 30,000 were admitted to hospital burn centers.
Serious burn injuries can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement and a lifetime of pain and suffering. As such, injured accident victims need an experienced law firm on their side from the very start to help them obtain the money they need to recover after a serious burn injury. Contact an experienced burn injury attorney at our office now to set up a free consultation. You can call us now at 803-324-7200, fill out the form on our site or chat with us now.