Gas prices are extremely low. However, most people are not driving anywhere. That is because 9 in 10 Americans are practicing social distancing and staying home. With fewer cars on the road, car accident rates may decrease during this time. However, some types of highway accidents, such as truck accidents, may increase.
Commercial truckers are essential to keeping our economy going. Many are currently driving essential goods across the country. From medical supplies to food and toiletries, where would we be without truck drivers during the pandemic?
Due to high demand for certain products related to the pandemic, store shelves are looking increasingly barren. The federal government relaxed hours of service rules so truck drivers could deliver essential goods more efficiently. Hours of service rules require truckers to take mandatory sleep and rest breaks. Due to relaxed hours of service rules, tired drivers could be at an increased risk of crashing.
Highway Accidents During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Fatigued truck drivers are at an increased risk of crashing. In fact, sleep deprivation can mimic the effects of mild alcohol intoxication. When truck drivers operate without enough sleep or rest breaks, they can make critical mistakes behind the wheel. They can also fall asleep while driving. Due to the size and weight of large commercial trucks, crashes are far more likely to cause catastrophic injuries and fatalities.
If a fatigued truck driver causes a highway accident, are they solely to blame? In many cases, the trucking company also shares liability for the crash. Trucking companies may pressure truckers to drive long hours or fail to give them adequate rest breaks. In some cases, multiple parties share blame for an accident.
Seeking Help During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Trucking companies may have access to significant legal and financial resources. This can make it more difficult for accident survivors or their family members to seek legal options against a trucking company. For this reason, it is advisable to speak to an experienced truck accident attorney.
It is difficult to seek help for just about anything at the moment. Your repair shop may have closed. You may find it difficult to make medical appointments. Your doctor might even reschedule a surgery you need if it is not critical. Insurance companies may not respond to your inquiries, and you may find it difficult to get your questions answered.
Fortunately, our personal injury attorneys are here to help. We can consult with you remotely to answer your questions.
Contact Our Rock Hill Truck Accident Attorneys
Did you or someone you love recently suffer an injury during a truck accident? You may have questions about your potential legal options. Fortunately, we can answer those questions. Our Rock Hill truck accident attorneys want to help you during this difficult time.
At the Law Offices of Wilkerson, Jones & Wilkerson we can help you negotiate with insurance companies and recover the money you deserve. Call us at (803) 324-7200 or fill out our confidential contact form for more information.
We offer a free initial consultation. During this difficult time, we offer remote services. Let us help protect your rights.