Are you currently involved in personal injury litigation? If so, then you may wonder how the coronavirus will affect personal injury lawsuits in South Carolina. Additionally, if you were recently involved in an accident, then you may have similar concerns. Examples of how COVID-19 could affect your personal injury case include:
The Insurance Company Fighting Harder to Reduce Your Settlement
Many people in South Carolina are hurting financially. In fact, the United States Department of Labor reports that 15 percent of the South Carolina workforce has filed for unemployment. Thus, insurance companies may receive less premium payments. This will affect their bottom line. As a result, they will look for ways to increase their profits. For example, they may fight harder before settling your auto accident case.
Now more than ever, it is crucial that you obtain experienced legal representation. A personal injury lawyer in Rock Hill, SC will fight aggressively for fair compensation on your behalf. He or she can put pressure on the insurance company by threatening to take your case to trial. Additionally, he or she can provide the insurance company with evidence proving the historical value of similar cases. This will pressure them into settling your case.
Potential Delays in Courthouse Schedules or Proceedings
Many South Carolina courthouses want to avoid delays in courtroom proceedings. Thus, they may choose to modify their procedures to work more remotely. Even still, it is likely that most personal injury lawsuits will experience some delays. If this is the case, then you need the help of an experienced attorney. He or she will know how to work with constraints set by the court. Also, he or she will work hard to move your case along as quickly as possible.
The South Carolina stay-at-home order expired on Monday, May 4th. Thus, certain court functions may start to reopen. Our Rock Hill personal injury attorneys pay close attention to news about the South Carolina court systems. We can inform you of the latest developments. We can also tell you how these developments could impact your personal injury lawsuit.
Fear of Receiving Medical Treatment
To maximize the value of your personal injury lawsuit, it is important to receive comprehensive medical treatment. Yet, due to the coronavirus, you may feel uncomfortable keeping your medical appointments. Additionally, your treating physician could delay your medical appointments due to COVID-19.
If this is the case, then you must keep your attorney informed. He or she cannot prove the extent of your injuries without access to your medical records. Thus, your case will not proceed until you receive extensive medical treatment. Even still, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you develop a plan if circumstances beyond your control arise.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Rock Hill, SC
Were you involved in an accident? Was another party’s negligence to blame for your injuries? Consult with a personal injury lawyer in Rock Hill, SC as soon as possible. While personal injury lawsuits may experience some delays, the time limits for filing these claims still apply. Thus, you need to act quickly.
Call the Law Offices of F. Craig Wilkerson Jr. today at (803) 324-7200 to schedule a free consultation. You can also send us a message using our online contact form. We offer our services to residents of Rock Hill, Lancaster County and the surrounding areas.